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A brief description of the Heat Exchangers and Coils portion of a service agreement.

Heat Exchangers and Coils

These items are very rare to find in a service agreement today. Covering these items can make a service agreements price fairly high.

Service Estimator has a program that covers these items, it is called the Total Service Protection - Plus agreement (TSP Plus).  Few contractors will take the risk to provide an agreement like this without Service Estimator's pricing program to help them out.

Over the past 20 years, there have been many customers ask to have everything covered by their service agreement. Typically, heat exchangers or coils are not covered because there is no way to know what kind of maintenance has been performed on the equipment in the past.  Because of this, you are forced to escalate your price considerably in order to cover these items in the event of a failure.

We do not suggest you put a TSP Plus agreement on really old equipment (10 years or older).  But, on the other hand, if you installed the equipment there are only a few things that will cause a heat exchanger or coil to fail. 

  • Vibration - Can you keep a unit from vibrating excessively? - Yes!  

  • Poor air to fuel ratio - this can burn up a heat exchanger, but will maintenance keep the ratio set correctly? - Yes!   

  • Dirt - short cycling - etc.  

The fact is, all of the conditions that would cause a heat exchanger or coil to fail prematurely are preventable, they are not detectable. This is what keeps most contractors from covering them in service agreements.

There are some situations that will cause failures to occur, such as high levels of chemical contamination in the environment. In those cases, do not cover them.

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